Online Ordering &
Customer Portal.
A fast and efficient way for your customers to place orders online.
Xpress Order allows your customers to place an order directly from your Customer Portal.
Provide up-selling opportunities by empowering your customers to place orders at their convenience, 24/7 while increasing customer satisfaction and improving overall productivity.
Quick and easy ordering.
From the Customer Portal your customers can quickly and easily place an order by clicking the Place Order menu link taking them to the Xpress Order Screen.
From here, your customers can view all items available for purchase along with customer specific pricing. If your customers have moving averages, the average quantities purchased will appear alongside the pricing.
Your customers simply enter the quantities needed, enter any special instructions and submit their order.
The order is submitted directly into RouteStar and automatically added to the driver or route associated with the customers account.

Place orders for multiple accounts.
A user can switch between multiple accounts to place orders. This is particularly useful for purchasing agents working on behalf of businesses with multiple locations or branches.
Once an order is submitted an invoice will appear on the route schedule of the driver or route associated with that particular branch.

Our Money Back Guarantee
A request for a refund must be submitted prior to the 30-day anniversary of your purchase date to your Sales Representative. Requests directed to other contact addresses or phone calls are not accepted for cancellation. Refunds within 30 days of purchase will be for the initial subscription of RouteStar Solutions and any unused training time that was purchased.
We believe that most refunds can be avoided. Please contact our customer success department, [email protected] for assistance on any technical issues you are experiencing or for any potential changes you would like to see in RouteStar Solutions.