The Customer Portal.
Provide your customers with the optimal self-service experience while increasing productivity.
With the Customer Portal, your customers can view their invoice and payment history, create and view completed tasks or work orders, view quotes, request service and place orders 24/7.

Get paid faster.
Your customers can view open invoices and make payments directly from your Customer Portal dashboard. It couldn't be any easier!

Efficient scheduling.
Customers can quickly see when their next scheduled delivery or service date will be or reschedule service.

Task tracker.
From the dashboard customers can view their most recent tasks pending and click on a task to open the Task Tracker.
From the Task Tracker the customer can add special notes or instruction which will appear on the customer's open and pending task.

XPress Order.
With XPress Order your customers can place an order directly from the Customer Portal resulting in increased staff efficiency and productivity.

Our Money Back Guarantee
Our Money Back Guarantee
A request for a refund must be submitted prior to the 30-day anniversary of your purchase date to your Sales Representative. Requests directed to other contact addresses or phone calls are not accepted for cancellation. Refunds within 30 days of purchase will be for the initial subscription of RouteStar Solutions and any unused training time that was purchased.
We believe that most refunds can be avoided. Please contact our customer success department, [email protected] for assistance on any technical issues you are experiencing or for any potential changes you would like to see in RouteStar Solutions.